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    Training Programs

    Core Analysis Training

    This course is a 5 days course, this course includes exhaustive case studies and exercises

    Routine Core Analysis This course/training aims to disseminate information to help understand what we do in a Routine Core Analysis Laboratory, how the data is generated and how to interpret the results. However, more importantly, it will help you understand why core analysis should be done, how it can help client, how to compile a meaningful and representative study, including obtaining representative cores in the field and how to stay within budget and time constraints. It will also give an overview of how to handle the core in the field and laboratory to avoid damage to the precious core and there by minimizing the error in the data obtained. The course covers the following topics: CORING – Planning the Core Program, Different Coring Tools and Core Types, with a special section on Unconsolidated Cores and the Effects of Coring. MUD SYSTEMS – The type and properties of the mud systems used should be considered when planning the coring operation. In some cases mud systems are modified to meet the specific objectives of the coring program. This part is only as an introduction to remind the reader of the implications of mud system selection. More details are presented in the relevant parts of the Special Core Analysis and Formation Damage seminars. WELLSITE, GAMMA & SATURATION – Covers wellsite handling/services and analysis including gamma and probe permeability followed by shipping and receipt of the core at the laboratory. Detail is given to handling and analysis for Saturation data, oil saturations, water saturations and fluid invasion/tracer analyses. SAMPLE PREPARATION – Includes sample drilling, preservation, cleaning and drying, plugs and whole cores. LAB ANALYSIS – Air Permeability, Porosity, Grain Density and Klinkenberg Permeability, ambient and overburden; includes data interpretation, correction, QC/QA techniques. PHOTOGRAPHY – Photography provides a useful long-term record of the core, various formats are available and quality control is vital. VALUE & UNCERTAINTY –  Core Data valuationRisk Reduction and Uncertainty. Special Core Analysis The course aims to disseminate information to help understand what we do in a Special Core Analysis Laboratory, how the data is generated and how to interpret the results. The course will encompass analysis planning, sampling, sample preparation and sample selection based on the results of the RCA and petrophysics. More importantly, it will help you understand why Special Core analysis should be used, how it can help you, how to compile a meaningful and representative study, and how to optimize the study to stay within budget and time constraints. SCAL STUDY PLANNING – In this section we will look at some aspects that should be considered prior to initiating a SCAL study, i.e. useful steps to develop as a planning stage of a quality study. SCAL SAMPLING – We will look at the options for WHEN & HOW SCA samples, usually called PLUGS are taken or cut (drilled) from the host core. If samples are taken that are not representative of the reservoir/formation then the results will also not be representative. This is clearly a waste of money, time and effort in performing the SCAL study. However imagine if these unrepresentative data are subsequently used!! The sampling protocol must be established prior to sampling. SCAL SAMPLE PREPARATION – There are a number of issues to address at this early stage of the analysis cycle, as the procedures used to obtain, extract and dry the samples can have a considerable bearing on the quality and reliability of produced data. This comment is particularly relevant when samples are being taken and prepared for special core analysis work, where the potential impact of unrepresentative data is magnified. SCAL SAMPLE SELECTION – From our pool of available samples we need to select a final set for analysis. Simply the samples need to be homogeneous, undamaged and representative. This final quality is derived through careful evaluation of the sample compared with reservoir/formation/facies/unit characterization, including FZI/RQI. PRE-STUDY – In this section we will look at a relatively new concept of Pre-Study. In essence a small study to define certain project specific factors prior to performing the main study, confident in the knowledge that these factors have been correctly incorporated. This includes Petrological evaluation of clays and minerals. Each of the subsequent sections looks at the actual SCAL tests in the following formats: Introduction; Background; Why perform these Analyses; Type of Analyses; Lab Results and Data Processing and Quality Control:
    • CAPILLARY PRESSURE – Porous Plate / Pressure Equilibrium, Centrifuge & Hg Injection
    • ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY – Formation Factor, Resistivity Index, Multi Salinity CoCw.
    • WETTABILITY – USBM, Amott & Combined
    • RELATIVE PERMEABILITY – Steady & Unsteady State; Oil, Water & Gas inc ISSM.
    • CORE FLOODING – Critical Velocity, Fluid Sensitivity and Fines Migration.
    • ROCK MECHANICS – Pore Volume Compressibility etc
    • NMR – To calibrate & interpret data from down hole NMR tools & logs.

    About the Instructor

    Balaji Bhosle holds doctorate in Earth Sciences with specialization in Sedimentology and Petrology. He started his career as Core Analyst/Sedimentologist with ACS Laboratories Australia Pty Ltd. Balaji was instrumental in setting up the Core analysis laboratory in Ahmedabad, a subsidiary of ACS Labs Australia. During his tenure at Ahmedabad, Balaji worked in almost all the major basins of India with focus on the KG Offshore, Cambay Basin and Barmer onshore basin. He was promoted to Geoscientist-III and Laboratory Supervisor in 2009. He worked in this capacity till 2012. He joined Weatherford Labs in Australia (Brisbane) as a Sedimentology-Petrology Technical Leader. He was given charge of Geochemistry Lab apart from Sedimentology and Petrology. He worked on almost all the major basins of Australia and Thailand (both onshore and offshore Thai basins and Malay basins) during his tenure till 2016. He moved back to India in 2016 and established Advanced Geological Consultancy Services working as a Head of Geological Studies and Director. He is working on various projects of Thailand-Malaysia onshore-offshore basins and Indian basins. He was/is active member of Geological society of Australia, AAPG, SPE, IAS and PSI. Balaji has published research papers in peer reviewed journals and SPE conferences. He is an active reviewer of research articles of many peer-reviewed journals.